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#1 Certification ICF Accredited Program

Radiant Leadership Academy

Inside-out leadership, emphasizing personal transformation based on Biblical principles.

What is Radiant Leadership?

The Radiant Leadership Academy is all about true inside-out transformation as a leader. It will teach you how to become unoffendable, confident, and step fully into who God created you to be. Even if you’re battling self-doubt or uncertainty, this academy will empower you to lead with purpose, faith, and unwavering confidence, creating lasting impact from the inside out.

Radiant Leadership Academy equips you to

lead with confidence and purpose, grounded in Biblical principles. You’ll learn to lead by example, foster a culture of love, and manage resources effectively. Along the way, experience personal healing and breakthroughs, overcoming past hurts and stepping fully into your God-given identity as a leader in any area of life.

Radiant Leadership will help you...

Is RLA right for me?

Yes, Radiant Leadership Academy is for you if you’re ready to grow into the leader God created you to be. Whether you’re a parent leading your family, a professional seeking to influence your workplace, or someone feeling a deeper call to serve in your community or church, RLA equips you with the tools for personal and spiritual transformation.

Radiant Leadership is for...

Aspiring and Emerging Leaders

If you're feeling a call to lead but need guidance and confidence, RLA equips you with the tools and Biblical principles to step into your role as a leader in your home, workplace, or community.

Faith-Driven Professionals

For professionals looking to align their leadership with their faith, RLA teaches practical application of scripture-based leadership, helping you make a lasting impact in your business or career.

Parents and Caregivers

RLA is perfect for those leading their families, providing personal and spiritual growth to influence your home with love, wisdom, and faith-centered leadership.

How does this Academy work?

Each week you will meet to cover the current weeks topic with time for previous weekly takeaways, this academy is broken into 4 Pillars:

  • Pillar I – MIRROR: Leadership Begins With Me
  • Pillar II – MONEY: Wealth, Investing & Stewardship
  • Pillar III – MANAGE: Minding Your Mind & Your Mouth
  • Pillar IV – MAGNITUDE: Being An Impact Driven Leader


This program is ICF Accredited, you will earn:


This is a very prestigious accreditation, as ICF is widely known globally as the premiere organization of coaches around the world.

Who teaches RLA?

Radiant Leadership Academy (RLA), created by Michelle Schaffer, began its first class in 2020 and has since transformed the lives of countless individuals. This unique, faith-based leadership program equips participants with the tools and mindset needed to lead confidently in both their personal and professional lives.

With over 50 certified coaches offering classes throughout most of the year, RLA provides ongoing support and community for those looking to develop their leadership potential.

The academy’s curriculum is rooted in biblical principles, offering a transformative experience that goes beyond traditional leadership training. Participants not only grow as leaders but also experience deep personal growth, strengthening their faith and purpose. Whether you’re looking to lead in your business, ministry, or everyday life, RLA provides the training and community needed to elevate your influence and impact.

Ready to be inspired?

Countless participants have experienced personal growth, deepened their faith, and found their true purpose through this life-changing program.

Take a look at the powerful transformations and breakthroughs that graduates have achieved since joining the Academy.

designed for people like you:

Here's how it works:

  • Enroll as a VIP Member
  • Select your Class start date
  • Show up to class and engage!

Start Your Journey

Become a Member of Kingdom Alliance or Purchase at Retail


Become a Kingdom Alliance Member

Take RLA as many times as you would like and even apply to become a RLC after completing RLA twice.


Purchase RLA for the FULL Retail cost

You would only take this course 1x for the retail cost. This does not include the RLC Certification only the RLA Certification.

Building Leaders who Build Leaders


With over 200+ Certified Leaders and counting, we are just getting started! RLA is not just about leadership—it’s about Biblical Leadership that changes lives from the inside out. If you feel called to lead and empower others, this is your moment. Our Radiant Leadership Coaching Program equips you to become the coach who builds leaders. You were born to lead, and at RLA, you’ll discover how to do it with grace, purpose, and divine strength. Ready to build? Your journey starts here!

Unlock your potential and become a Certified Radiant Leadership Coach (RLC) with us! Our RLC certification equips you to teach not only Radiant Leadership Academy (RLA) but also three additional done-for-you programs within the Radiant Leadership Coaching framework.

This is your opportunity to join a passionate community of men and women committed to discipling others and transforming lives through Biblical Leadership. As a certified RLC, you’ll gain the tools to mentor and build leaders, guiding them to uncover their true potential.

Here’s how it works:


    1. Complete two RLA classes
    2. Register for the RLC Program (an 8-week course plus a 3-day, in-person retreat)
    3. Select the program you wish to teach


Our next certification starts January 20th, and you’ll experience a transformational retreat at the beautiful Oaks Retreat Center in San Diego at the end of March. This retreat will deepen your understanding of leadership, equipping you to lead and disciple others in a profound way.

By becoming a Radiant Leadership Coach, you’ll have access to an International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited framework and multiple ready-to-teach programs that will empower you to inspire lasting change in others. Ready to step into your calling? Join us and become an RLC today!

This is more than a title...

Becoming a Radiant Leadership Coach (RLC) is more than just a title—it’s how you step into the role of a Mentor and build leaders. As an RLC Coach, you’ll be empowered to guide others on their journey of transformation, helping them discover their leadership potential through Biblical Leadership.

With the Radiant Leadership Academy as your core teaching platform, you’ll have access to not just one, but three additional programs that are ready for you to teach inside this ICF accredited coaching framework. These programs are designed to equip you with everything you need to inspire, lead, and disciple others on a deeper level.

As a RLC you can teach:

Radiant Leadership Academy

A comprehensive 16-week program accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Through transformative teaching and practical application, RLA not only builds leaders but empowers them to create lasting change.

Growing Your Network

Our 4-week program on Growing Your Network to Grow Your Net Worth is a powerful, fast-track course designed to help you expand your influence, connections, and opportunities. In just one month, you'll learn practical strategies to build authentic relationships that lead to financial growth and success.


Our 6-week program on Identity is designed to help you discover and embrace who you are in Christ. This program guides you through a journey of self-discovery, helping you align with your true identity and God's unique calling for your life.

Relationship IQ

Our 8-week Relationship IQ program is designed to help you elevate every relationship in your life. Whether it's with your spouse, family, friends, or colleagues, strong relationships are key to a fulfilled and successful life.

When does a Class start?

A new Radiant Leadership Academy class is happening right now! Don’t miss this opportunity to join a transformative journey that has already changed countless lives. Enroll today and step into your calling as a leader, rooted in faith and purpose.

Join Radiant Leadership Academy now and start your journey towards a life of impact and influence!