Episode 163
Hi! I’m Allison Bramlett, a motivational speaker, pastor, author, podcaster, and broadcast personality. I’ve ministered alongside my parents, Gregory and Jackie Pope, and serve as the Executive Pastor at Covenant Church in Douglas, GA. I’m excited to share my life with you. Born into a full-time ministry family, I’m a devoted wife, mother, and gigi, married to my high school sweetheart. Our “mess” of a marriage has become our message.
I love Jesus, Jeff, my family, reading, coffee, McDonald’s, and Reese cups. Relationships are complex, but don’t take it personally. I believe in being led by Love and seeing the treasure in people. I’m constantly learning to be a better wife, mother, gigi, daughter, sister, friend, pastor, and listener. Transparency and seeing the best in others are central to who I am. I believe in fighting for your future and your family. I’m excited to be on this journey with Jesus and you, loving God and loving people. Don’t let your past, pain, pride, or pettiness stop you from fulfilling God’s purpose. Don’t quit! Love never fails! (1 Corinthians 13). You are destined to be a victor, not just a survivor.